Wednesday, August 29, 2012


On Saturday, August 25 Neil Armstrong died. I heard at first and thought "Well, he was old so that makes sense." I didn't think much about it for a couple hours then I got to thinking of how important he was, not only to history but to me. I always thought of him as "that astronaut guy". But he was always more to me than that. He was the first man to walk on the moon. He was part of the moon landing that links me to my dream of going into space one day. So after hearing he died I went on with my day, unaffected. Until I saw this video from sci show: It saddened me for a moment and I soon forgot about it and moved on. Until later when I saw Wil Wheaton's blog post about it and I cried. I started to realize that he may not have been the only one who helped with the moon landing but he was the face that first showed us us our future. Our future in space.The moon landing showed us that that anything is possible. And I finally realize our future can be bright. But frankly,what I want to say is that Neil and everyone who worked on the moon landing did not forget to be Awesome.

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